This is the Latest Plan for the Welfare Budget for Civil Servants & PPPK News – 10 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform is currently developing a new concept for budget provision to meet the welfare of ASN consisting of PNS and PPPK.

Plt. Assistant Deputy for Talent Management and HR Capacity Building for PANRB Ministry Apparatus, Yudi Wicaksono, said that the concept of fundamental improvements in welfare that will be developed consists of three aspects.

The first is improving the budgeting system, the second is improving the ASN welfare plan itself in the total reward concept, then the third is improving the remuneration mix.

“So the portion of employee spending will be divided into what goes to salary, what goes to incentives, what goes to learning development, there will be percentages that will be determined,” said Yudi at the Korpri Greeting ASN event with the theme Single Salary for ASN, Tuesday (24/10/2023).

Specifically regarding improvements to the employee budgeting system, Yudi explained, it will be as implemented by the Regional Government after the issuance of Law Number 1 of 2022 concerning Financial Relations between the Central Government and Regional Governments (HKPD Law), namely that there will be a ceiling on employee spending adjusted to the APBD capacity of 30% .

“If we look at the current situation, it’s not yet clear for ASN, except for the regional government, the regional government has a ceiling on employee spending compared to the APBD, even though there are still a lot of mixed-up expenditures in the APBD,” said Yudi.

As for the national level, he said, there is no such concept yet, because there is no requirement for calculating employee expenditure to be compared with the size of the state revenue and expenditure budget (APBN), for example whether taxes, or overall income.

“In the private sector this is already understood, so the HR burden can be compared with income, net profit, expenses, so that we know that this is a yellow light, our HR burden is already high so we apply zero growth, for example, or negative growth or we “We can’t provide bigger incentives,” said Yudi.

“Well, this is what we are trying to discuss with the Ministry of Finance, we are discussing with the Ministry of Home Affairs, how to improve this, especially at the center, which we will discuss,” he said.

By improving the budgeting system, Yudi said, in the future he will be able to change the formation of employee budget ceilings or buckets in government. In this way, the PANRB Ministry together with Bappenas, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Home Affairs can determine the ideal amount of spending for employees in one government agency from the start.

When we have determined, through this mechanism, according to him, the budget will be able to increase if there is a better RB index value, and if there is a contribution to the achievement of better national priorities contributed by the government. That way, the agency’s budget can be designed from the start whether there will be an increase or a decrease.

“When the budget decreases, there needs to be a redeployment of employees within one agency because that agency will not be able to pay salaries when the budget for managing its employees decreases further, and this will force ASN mobility nationally,” said Yudi.

According to him, with this budgeting mechanism, there will be staff fulfillment according to agency needs, so that there will no longer be agencies with minimal staff in the future, both at the central and regional levels and between regions.

“There are many regions that have large HR budgets but still have few employees. We will inform you about this later via the national platform so that employees can know that if I want to get a bigger incentive salary at any agency I can apply there, this is a concept for talent mobility in the future,” said Yudi.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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