Check Anies-Muhaimin’s Vision and Mission, Targeting RI Economy 6.5% News – 2 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The 2024 presidential and vice presidential candidate pair, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar or AMIN, carries the vision of “A Fair, Prosperous Indonesia for All”. To achieve this vision, the two of them outlined 8 missions called 8 paths of change.

Quoted from Anies Muhaimin’s Vision, Mission & Program document, it is stated that prosperity means affordable and quality public services for every citizen, starting from health, education, housing, food, transportation, energy and information.

“Indonesia is prosperous and supported by competitive industry that produces world-class products. Prosperous Indonesia is respected by world nations because of its economic, technological and military strength,” quoted from the document, Tuesday (24/10/2023).

According to them, the prosperity of the Indonesian nation must also be accompanied by the preservation of nature and the environment. Anies and Muhaimin imagine that in a prosperous Indonesia, every citizen lives in an environment that is clean, free of pollution, and protected from ecological disasters.

Apart from that, they consider prosperity itself to be related to justice, because a prosperous Indonesia is a just country. The meaning is that every citizen has access to public services without exception, the opportunity to live a decent and happy life can be achieved by every child of the nation regardless of religion, gender, ethnicity, language, age and physical condition.

According to them, a fair Indonesia also means that individuals have freedom of opinion and have equal opportunities to be whatever is best for them, receive equal rights and treatment before the law without exception, and the human rights of every citizen are protected by the State as a constitutional responsibility. .

“This is our vision which we will realize if we are given the mandate to become President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2024-2029,” said Anies and Muhaimin in their vision and mission document.

With this vision, they implemented it into eight missions or eight paths of change. The eight missions are described in the form of an agenda and program as follows:

1. Ensure the availability of basic needs and low cost of living through food independence, energy security and water sovereignty.

2. Alleviate Poverty by Expanding Business Opportunities and Creating Jobs, Realizing Fair Wages, Guaranteeing Economic Progress Based on Independence and Equity, and Supporting Indonesian Corporations to Succeed in Their Own Country and Grow on the Global Stage.

3. Realizing Sustainable Ecological Justice for Future Generations.

4. Building Area-Based Cities and Villages that are Humane, Just and Mutually Enhanced.

5. Creating Indonesian people who are healthy, intelligent, productive, moral and cultured.

6. Creating a prosperous and happy Indonesian family as the root of the nation’s strength.

7. Strengthening the National Defense and Security System, as well as increasing Indonesia’s role and leadership in the global political arena to realize national interests and world peace.

8. Restoring the quality of democracy, upholding law and human rights, eradicating corruption without favoritism, and implementing a government that supports the people.

Anies-Muhaimin also set a number of macroeconomic and development targets in his vision and mission. For example, the economic growth they are targeting is in the range of 5.5% to 6.5% per year in the 2025-2029 period. Their inflation rate is set at 2-3%.

Poverty rate 4%-5%, and open unemployment rate 3.5%-4% specifically in 2029. Extreme poverty rate 0% in 2026, job creation of more than 15 million in 2025-2029, ratio of informal workers to total workers 50 % in 2029, the Gini index is 0.36-0.37 in 2029, and the manufacturing industry’s contribution to GDP is 22%-23%.

They are targeting a tax ratio of 13%-16% in 2029, a ratio of government debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of less than 30% in 2029, as well as an Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) or the ratio of additional new capital to increase growth economy at the 5% level in 2029.

Then, Logistic Performance Index at level 3.5 in 2029, logistics costs 16%-18% in 2029, home ownership backlog only 8 million in 2029, stunting prevalence 11%-12.5% ​​in 2029, Human Development Index (HDI) 74-75 in 2029, up to a research and development or R&D budget to GDP of 0.4%-0.6% in 2029.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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