Monkey Pox is Again Horrifying, Number of Positive Cases Becomes 14 Patients Lifestyle – 5 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The number of confirmed cases of monkeypox continues to increase. As of Wednesday (25/10/2023) evening, the Ministry of Health had found 14 positive cases of monkey pox in Indonesia.

Director General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, said that all the patients were men. They experience the typical symptoms of monkey pox in the form of red lesions or rashes on the skin accompanied by fever.

“All patients are in stable condition, within 1-2 weeks the lesions will start to disappear. If their condition is good, we can send them home,” said Maxi, in an online press conference, Thursday (26/10/2023).

Furthermore, he explained that all patients who had confirmed monkeypox also had a history of same-sex relationships, which could be a route of transmission of the monkeypox virus that causes monkeypox.

As for their age, they dominate aged 25-29 years. “If “We relate it to age, this age is for children who haven’t received the smallpox vaccination,” said Maxi again.

Monkey pox vaccine

To prevent the development of monkey pox, The Ministry of Health has started providing free vaccines to the Indonesian people.

However, due to the limited number of vaccines, currently vaccines are given to priority groups who have a high risk, namely men who have sex with men and people living with HIV/Aids.

Vaccines are also still prioritized to be given to risk groups in Jakarta because according to the number of confirmed cases they are dominated by Jakarta.

The following are common symptoms of monkey pox

According to WHO, signs and symptoms of monkey pox generally appear within seven days, but can appear from one to 21 days after exposure.

“Symptoms usually last for two to four weeks, but can last longer in someone with a weakened immune system,” said WHO.

Common symptoms of monkey pox:

  1. Rash

  2. Fever

  3. Sore throat

  4. Headache

  5. Muscle ache

  6. Back pain

  7. Weak

  8. Swollen lymph nodes

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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Symptoms & Transmission of Monkey Pox that Has Entered Indonesia
