Ganjar-Mahfud Promise: RI Poverty 2.5% & Social Endowment Fund News – 1 hour ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The presidential and vice presidential candidate pair Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD proposed a number of visions and missions in the field of social protection if elected in the 2024 Presidential Election.

The pair supported by PDIP, PPP, Hanura Party and Perindo Party targets the poverty rate to fall to 2.5%, while extreme poverty falls to 0%.

“The care of the poor and neglected children by the state is a constitutional mandate,” as quoted from the candidate pair’s vision and mission document, on Tuesday (23/10/2023).

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency, the number of poor people in Indonesia in March 2023 will reach 9.36%. President Jokowi’s government in the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget targets the poverty percentage to fall to 6.5-7.5%.

If the Jokowi government’s target is realized in 2024, it means that Ganjar and Mahfud still have homework to do to get 5% of the population off the poverty list. With the condition that they are elected to replace Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin.

In their vision and mission document, Ganjar and Mahfud stated that they were determined to carry out the constitutional mandate to care for the poor. They stated that the acceleration of poverty eradication would be carried out through the convergence of central and regional programs, as well as optimizing non-APBN funds.

“We are determined to carry out this mandate with a clear and progressive poverty reduction target.”

Apart from the poverty target, Ganjar-Mahfud promised to increase the number of families receiving the Family Hope Program (PKH). They stated that they would increase the number of recipients to 15 million, from previously only 10 million beneficiaries.

So that social assistance is not misdirected, this duo will also maximize the use of the Population Identification Number (NIK) as a single identity that integrates all social security, aid and services from the government.

It is also promised to strengthen the One Data Indonesia system so that it can become a safe, valid and accurate database. “A data system and database that is safe, valid and accurate with data management that can be shared and supports data exchange for targeted government policy making,” they said in the document.

The former Governor of Central Java and former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court also plans to create a social welfare endowment fund. The endowment fund aims to improve sustainable community welfare.

“So endowment funds will be one of our options for financing social welfare programs, including helping people with disabilities,” said the two in their vision and mission document.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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