Mayangsari Can’t Get Bambang’s Inheritance, Here’s the Reason! My Money – 21 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The lives of Bambang Trihatmodjo and Mayangsari are still being discussed. It was stated that Mayangsari would never be able to get the inheritance from the son of the late Suharto.

As reported InsertLive, Bambang Trihatmodjo himself reportedly pocketed wealth of IDR 28 trillion in 1998. Mayangsari herself succeeded in entering the Cendana Family clan by shifting Halimah’s position as Bambang’s wife.

Halimah’s attorney had said that Bambang’s assets would go to his biological children, namely Gendis Siti Hatmanti, Panji Adhikumoro, and Bambang Aditya Trihatmanto.

Learning from the case of Bambang and Mayangsari’s household, we can all learn valuable lessons about finances which are of course related to marriage matters. Below is the complete discussion.

Bambang & Mayangsari had an unregistered marriage

A marriage between two partners is declared valid according to religion and applicable law. A wife who is legally married will definitely have family ties and become a class I heir if we die.

Article 852 of the Civil Code states that class I heirs consist of the spouse (husband or wife) who lives longer and whose children are left behind.

Wives who marry siri are only considered valid religiously, and will never be recognized by law. As a result, couples who marry in an unregistered marriage are clearly not considered legally related.

It is not surprising that in the end, Bambang and Halimah’s three children became the legal heirs.

Legitime portie

In the inheritance law of the Civil Code, there is the term legitime portie which you may have heard interpreted as an absolute part of the inheritance that must be given to the straight line heirs.

In essence, the heir can make a will to divide his assets or make a gift to the heirs, but the amount divided must not violate the absolute rights of the heirs.

The absolute share for heirs in the downward line according to Article 914 of the Civil Code is:

– If the heir leaves one legitimate child, then he is entitled to ½ of the total inheritance.

– If the heir leaves two legitimate children, each child will get ⅔ of the total inheritance.

– If you leave three children, then each child gets ¾.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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