Pertalite & Diesel Fuel Want to Be Limited, These Are the Eligible Criteria News – 3 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Pertalite and Diesel fuel will be limited. This will be regulated through the revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) no. 191 of 2014 concerning the Supply, Distribution and Retail Selling Prices of Fuel Oil.

So far, the government has not set regulations regarding restrictions on Pertalite fuel. However, by revising these regulations, BPH Migas will regulate consumers who have the right to use them.

“Yes, so so far there are no regulations for Special Assignment Fuel Types (JBKP) or Pertalite, so in the revision of the Presidential Decree we will regulate consumer users of JBKP,” said Head of BPH Migas Erika Retnowati in Energy Corner CNBC Indonesiaquoted on Sunday (22/10/2023).

Erika added that the government will determine at least five categories of Pertalite recipients. Starting from small industry, fishing businesses, agricultural businesses, and transportation and public services.

However, he did not explain whether restrictions based on vehicle engine capacity (cc) would also be listed as criteria for receiving Pertalite.

It is known that the government had planned to limit Pertalite to the cc specifications of car engines. The plan is that those who are entitled to buy are under 1,400 cc, and also motorbikes under 250 cc.

Meanwhile for Solar the same will apply. Because the previous regulations were not very detailed, the government will improve the criteria for subsidized fuel recipient categories.

“For subsidized solar, we will make improvements to the category, yes, the criteria will be clarified because so far this could give rise to multiple interpretations due to the old Presidential Decree,” he said.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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